A New Year

Raise your glasses!

Finally!  The old year is history!  Shout it out!  Happy New Year!!!

Now, ask yourself. What are you going to do this year to improve your life?  I've read some great blogs from my friends that included suggestions to leave old regrets behind and move forward into positive habits. Here are a few of my resolutions.

I want to write and read more and reduce time spent on social media sites.  I blame part of this on my passion for the Chicago Cubs.  During the baseball season it's so much fun to tweet while the Cubbies are playing, along with all of my Cubbie followers!  They are such great fans and it makes me happy to share our love of the team and Wrigley Field!!!  This year the Cubs are going to do great things and it will be extremely difficult to contain my excitement online but I will try.  : )

How can you not tweet about this?  

If I had my druthers I would travel to every ballpark in the majors and write about my experiences.  There is something about being a baseball fan which, in my opinion, differentiates us from other sports fans.  Being a baseball fan evokes a deep-seated love of "leaving it all behind." The nostalgic pull of baseball is huge for me.  The older I get the more I feel it.  Of course, my ballpark of preference is Wrigley Field.  Even though I am SUPER pumped about visiting Cubs Park in Mesa, AZ this spring with my best friend, I am most excited about returning to Wrigley in July with my sister for a Cubs vs. White Sox game! She is a huge Sox fan but respects the Cubs and knows what a drought is like. Although she pokes fun at me and my team she respects the faithful throngs of those who bleed Cubbie blue. Plus, she has never been to Wrigley and I hope she might convert.  Fat chance...haha!

I want to try to enjoy my job more. It can get quite stressful at times but I get to work around some of the sweetest children and the people who help them.  Isn't that what drives us, helping the youth of today?  My husband and I raised two daughters and worked very hard to help them succeed and have the courage to go after their own dreams.  We might not always agree with the route they have taken but one thing is for sure.  They will always have our support and love to fall back on.  You don't have to be a parent to be an excellent role model or friend to today's youth.  You can be an aunt, uncle, teacher, coach, pastor, the list goes on and on.  If you go the extra mile for a young child or adolescent it can impact the rest of their life.  All of us remember that special someone who helped with an assignment or supported us after a tragic event.  Someone who listened to a problem or just gave an extra hug or word of encouragement.

Thanks coach!!!!

I've set a fitness goal to run in a 10k this year.  I hope to pick a location that is special.   Indianapolis has some events that I am going to look into with my family.  Chicago and Nashville are also places that I hope to run in soon!

Can I run for six miles again??  Of course I can!

 If I could go back to school (and who knows, maybe I will), I would enjoy getting a degree in exercise science or something similar.  I feel like I am an excellent motivator and really love to bring out the best in people.  The benefits of exercise, as we all know, go way beyond the physical results.  I don't think I could survive much of anything if not for the release and enjoyment I get out of exercising!  God willing, I will be able to continue for many years.

I hope my family and friends have made a resolution, no matter how small.  We all need to push ourselves to become better people and stop sweating over the small stuff.  Look ahead instead of behind. Concentrate on what makes you happy and don't let anyone deter you from your goals.  Start with something small.  For example, if you can't quit smoking entirely, at least cut down.  Realize that what works for one person might not be ideal for you.  Tweak it until you are comfortable.  Push yourself.  If you fall off the wagon climb back on it! Don't allow complacency to be your excuse. Persistence ALWAYS pays off.  It's when you give up that the fire goes out. Find out what fuels your fire and feed it.

Good luck!!


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