Here is a sneak peak at my upcoming novella paperback cover which will release on July 1, 2021!  

Also, all NEW subscribers will be entered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card.  Woohoo!

Currently, the hum of the 17-year locust invasion is everywhere.  For many young Hoosiers, this is their first time to witness Brood X.  Here's a picture of one.  Aren't they cute?  Lol!

They are totally harmless but those eyes are indeed freaky!  They leave their exoskeletons everywhere, too. My oldest daughter recently stepped on one-barefoot! It squished beneath her heel.  Ewwwww!

Hope all my subscribers are staying busy and healthy.  I want to to let you know that I've already started Book Two in my series.  Be sure to sign up, (above left), for that chance to win the gift card.

You can preorder my ebook here:

Virus Attack: Cataclysm in the Cosmos

Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!


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